Thursday, March 7, 2013

sample collecting tubes and bottles

This is my first article and your feedback of any type for the betterment of my article will be warmly welcomed. 
Following stuff which I am going to write is what is exactly happening at Ragama teaching hospital.
Following images are manually taken from the ward by myself and with some colleagues .Their usages were exactly what nurses told me.
Mistakes are inevitable so is deficiency. so correct me and add more onto my works.
I will mainly be talking about haematological and urine specimen collecting tubes and bottles.

1. Urine culture bottle.

    wide mouth, screw cap, and its empty ( no media or any chemical)

  2. Blood culture media
     Its special bottle with brain heart infusion. blood is drawn and put into this tube aseptically.
 Amount of blood drawn:
             i. Neonates     1 ml
             ii. Children     3-5 ml
             iii. Adults       6-10 ml
 We should send this to lab immediately. NEVER refrigerate.

3. Plain tubes

They are plain without any label or chemicals in it. 
It is mainly use to collection and transport of serum. For eg, sample for serum electrolytes.

For ESR they use these tubes and bottles but they add sodium citrate to it as follows:
      1.6ml blood + 0.4 ml sod citrate. so total volume comes to 2 ml.
The main difference is that bottles are use to send sample to night lab and tube for day lab.

4. EDTA tubes
   These tube has red label on its body. it contains 0.2 ml of EDTA.
 It is mainly use for doing  prothrombin time and full blood count.

   Volume collected :  1.8 ml blood +0.2 EDTA

    5. Sugar bottles

    This bottles looks like a bottle in 3 but if look closeup we can see white powder in it.( here we can't appreciate it). that powder is sodium fluoride. And also these bottles are marked as "S" manually for easy identification.
   use for blood sugar measurement. RBS, FBS and PPBS.
5ml of blood is drawn for measuring sugar level.

          thank you....enjoy reading
         Tshering penjor 21st batch.

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